Second Glimpse of Baby Wolfe

Today’s ultrasound appointment went great! We invited Jenn's parents to join usso it was a full viewing room and fun for us to share that together. Baby was being very shy for the camera, so the ultrasound technician took her time and was able to get measurements of baby and to check all of its organs for health.
The technician says the baby measures just under one pound, which perfect for being 20 weeks and 5 days along. Its heartbeat was beating at 156 beats per minute. At this stage baby is just under 11 inches long and we during the session saw it open its mouth and move its arms and legs. Jenn's favorite part was seeing its cute little feet which were crossed at the ankles. So darling! As baby grows and gets stronger Jenn can feel him/her more and more which is very exciting. This we will tour the hospital we plan to deliver at.