Under budget & ahead of schedule

We are having a very exhausting and awesomely fun time remodeling our house, but like the title of this post says, we are under budget AND ahead of schedule. Hooray!
This week we turned a point in the project where we're adding things to the house (paint, garage door and flooring!) and not taking old rotted and worn things out of it. Seeing our vision come together has given us all th boost we need to finish by our July 1 move in date. :)
Here's some trivia for ya...
Ever notice how my dad is mostly wearing the same outfit in the photos? Well no, the pictures were not taken on the same day because in fact we've been working for over 3 weeks. It's because not only do my parents work on the house and/or care for Leland during the day, but my mom is making our lunches and doing a load of laundry full of our work clothes in the evening too! Talk about a super star team we have on our side. We're beyond blessed!
Speaking of blessed, I've reached a zen-like attitude of supreme gratefulness about this house. What I mean is that I found myself thanking God for the ugly wallpaper I'm painsteakingly pealing off the walls, and thankful for the heavy 5 gallon of paint that needed to be carried upstairs. Why am I thanking God for things people usually complain about? Well I'm so thankful that this is OUR wallpaper and OUR heavy paint and OUR fixer upper. I never thought I'd be living in a house we own and I'm thankful for being able to make it our own. It's such a wonderful gift and to have us all work with our hands and be good stewards with our budget to make it a home is completley powerful.