Visiting Friends & Date Night
My friend Sarah just had a baby last week, so we signed up for her Meal Train: a neat community-driven program that helps people organize their friends' help during times of need. With her new family being so busy with the arrival of baby Jack, Sarah's friends have each signed up for a day to deliver them a easy to enjoy dinner/care package. Michael and I delivered the package to Sarah's family in the late afternoon. Baby Jack is so precious! I cried when I first saw him as he's so beautiful and I'm so proud and amazed by Sarah and Jason for creating Jack. They are a perfectly adorable family!
Michael and I wanted to explore the tiny city of Baywood Park, which is next to Sarah's town of Los Osos. We enjoyed the sunset from the Baywood Park Pier, snapped a few photos, then went to dinner at La Palapa- a delicous Mexican restaurant.